Tuesday, June 1, 2010

hell~o again

the great thing about my life is every time I think there's no possible way I can be any stronger, I get proved wrong. I feel like there's this huge hole in my chest where my heart used to be. it came to be from my breakup. then life piled on top of it. now there's no one around. my 3 best friends I cant even talk to. everyone else is caught up in their own lives. did you know you can never really get used to being alone? being a libra & all about balance I cant wait to seal up this hole for good. its time keep all the promises I made to myself, keep in touch with the connections in life I've made & be happy. keep focus on my passions. I guess all this has alot to do with why I started this blog to begin with. I tend to be too analytical. I spend alot of time in my head with nowhere for my thoughts go. honestly if 1000 people read it & only 10 understood any of it, that would be enough for me. if I can help one person in knowing they are not alone by reading what I've been through, then its all worth it. guess I never thought about how exposing it can be splaying myself to strangers. funny how that can be easier than opening up to people around you. although when it comes to writing these types of entries, well any of them really, I do it for myself first. if you've been following my work, I just want to say thank you. all are welcome here. ♥ ~K

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