Saturday, April 2, 2011

sever.ed stitches

so.. I'm the only one who seems to understand this.. ethereal like energy that comes from being in love.? from a magnetic pull between the two of you that connects you to the universe? it exists in meditation.. spiritual ascension & connection to the source.. so why not in love? why is that such a crazy idea? maybe its a different kind of love. hell maybe it surpasses any kind of definition of the emotion. lord knows our relationship or w/e the fuck that was did. or at least I thought it did. so does that mean I'm out of my mind or that people just dont get it.?

I guess that begs the age old question.. if you've never seen something like unicorns or even the christian idea of a messiah how do you know its real. blind faith maybe. some people need that to hold onto. but sometimes you just know. ... like how I know that even if I spend the rest of this mortal existence believing in something I know w.o. a doubt is real though never having chance to see it I still couldnt let go of the beliefs I have in love. because I feel it, someone out there has to, too.

no matter how broken it makes me feel at times.

people say I set myself up for failure..

I miss him so much

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